Monday, May 28, 2012

my apologies and misadventures in baking.

If there are any avid readers out there of Life, The Universe, and Everything, you have my sincerest apologies. I have neglected my blog of as late. I can not even whole-heartedly blame my new job or circumstances, it has just been far out of my mind and I have not been baking as much recently. 

That will change, I am picking up my measuring cups again as soon as I find a good recipe that I thoroughly enjoy. I have been remaking all of my oldie but goodie recipes lately when I do bake such as the brown sugar pecan cookies, old fashion chocolate chip cookies, brownies, etc. I realized where I was attributing this desire for not trying a new recipe. 

Mother's Day is a time for my family to get together at my aunt's house, have a nice dinner, and, of course, desert. This year, I made a blueberry caflouti. I was so excited, it came out of the oven looking heavenly; I was sure it was going to be the most amazing this I have ever made in my life. As we set the table with all of the desert, naturally, I was anxious for everyone to try this masterpiece desert. As it turns out, the caflouti was lackluster and had a texture that I personally did not enjoy. My sister put hers in the microwave and insisted it had a better texture warm, but she was just trying to be nice because she knew I was proud of this desert.

It was not my only disaster that day either. I had this brilliant idea, thanks to Pintrest and far more advanced bakers than myself, to bake an apple pie within the peel of the apple. Basically, you gut the apples, use what you can salvage as well as some extra apples as the filler then fill each apple and lattice the pie crust over the top. They were looking exquisite, but alas, the apples exploded. I managed to save what I could, throw it in a dish, make a streusel, and turn it into an Apple Brown Betty. This was good, very good, but it was not as cool as serving everyone their own individual apple pies. 

This only proves, there are misadventures along the baking path, but improvisation is key, and never let one bad desert get you down. 

Something I have not talked about in a while, books! Damn the Hunger Games series because I am hooked. I think it is one of the better young adult novels out there. And while the love triangle garbage rears its head a little too frequently, I understand that it is a young adult series and that kind of stuff is expected. Still not as good as Harry Potter, though.

Until next time, Enjoy! 

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