Tuesday, April 19, 2011

traditions, an impolite tap on the ass, and some other random fun things.

So to catch up on this interesting weekend, first being Saturday night.

While I had a blast with Sara and Max, something very interesting occurred to me; there are few gentlemen in this world, they are a dying breed soon to be extinct. I guess I should explain this hypothesis. Sara, Max, and I went to West Palm Beach on Friday night for a little drinking and a lot of dancing. We bar hopped and ended up at bar number 4 which is more like a club (I will not mention the name because I do not want to ruin their business, but it is a bar on top of a bar that plays great music to dance to). So naturally, we go to the dance floor and start tearing it up. Then this very strange thing happens, Max walks away to get a drink, and this nasty (I mean NASTY!) guy decides he wants to dance with Sara. Instead of politely asking her to dance, or even just starting to dance with the 2 of us, he taps her on the ass multiple times. I am no okay with this, but apparently that kind of behavior has become socially acceptable which is strange to me. It is not like Sara was dressed in a fashion that called for some level of disrespect or dancing provocatively whatsoever, so why? Maybe part of me wants to live in another time, where manners were important.

On a more pleasant note, I did join Sara and her family for Sedar Sunday night. While I am not a particularly religious person at all,  I have always been interested in religion and traditions involved, and it was not my first time sitting for Sedar, but the variations on tradition from family to family, as well as country to country is something worth noting. Thank you again to Sara and family for letting me be apart of it!

On to the random fun things! woohoo! I will be baking this week for a party hosted by Sarah (different one), and, of course, Easter. I am worried that I may be taking on too much with these recipes, but if they are good, I will post them up, hopefully with pictures!

I am also starting my list of 45. Finding a place to begin was an interesting task considering the novels on my shelf range from classic to random. I decided to start with a random; Futureproof by N. Frank Daniels. I have never read anything by Daniels, but wandering around the fiction section in a soon to be closed Borders, the title caught my eye as well as the color choices for the cover of the book (hot pink, taxicab yellow, and a pink-tinted black ). While there was no synopsis of the book on it's jacket, in big bold black lettering it says "no past. no future. only now" interesting enough, I thought. I flipped to the first little section, and I was sold; it is entitled "over the shirt, under the bra" so I purchased the book. No rhyme or reason to my novel selections.


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